Free Your Voice Unlock Your Creativity

Voicework to Transform Your Life

Over the last 18 years of teaching voicework, I have noticed one thing to be true…

Most of us are scared of bringing our full, true voices into the world. On some level, we are scared to speak up, scared to be seen. We are scared to be heard. We fear the consequences, power and responsibility that come with speaking our truth. And this is completely normal because our society teaches us to conform and follow the rules.

However, there comes a point in one’s life when obeying the rules and living according to the internalised conditioning of an unwell culture, doesn’t make sense anymore. And in this moment we have a choice to redefine ourselves and how we want to live our life. Are you ready to make some changes?

“Eliza has a fierce intelligence.

She brings a strong quality of presence that holds in it stillness, grace and light. There is something in how she is that brings this possibility to the individuals and groups that she works with. She is a conscious and willing portal for the sacred. I experience her as having access to other dimensions, and that she is bringing through a higher frequency, which touches and lifts who and what she works with.”

— Maaianne Knuth, Founder of Kufunda Learning Village, Zimbabwe, Africa

 Professional Bio

Eliza is a medicine singer, a facilitator of transformational voice work and embodiment practices, and an advocate for awakening soul in self and society. She supports those she works with to bring their full, free selves into relationship with the world, and walks with a fierce commitment to the powers of gentleness, truth, and the emergent intelligence of the field.

She has long been practising at the intersection between deep inner work and effective world work, facilitating individuals and groups in diverse settings; from inner city schools in London, to yoga communities in Thailand; from special needs schools and colleges in England, to Kufunda Learning Village in Zimbabwe, from the village hall in Dartington, Devon, to direct action frontlines in London.

Eliza is a trained Voice coach, a qualified Yoga teacher and a teacher of the contemporary Shamanic practice, Movement Medicine. She is carried forward by a dedication to the edge of what’s possible, and a real love for our humanity and for this dear earth.

Eliza Hope Kenyon Voice Work Shamanic Sound-5.jpg
Eliza Hope Kenyon Voice Work Shamanic Sound-4.jpg

Training · Qualifications · Initiations 

Voice Work

18+ years teaching voice work

English National Opera, Lilian Baylis Programme 

Studied 1:1 with Mary King 

Studied 1:1 with Guillermo Rozenthuler

Free the Inner Voice with Nikki Slade 

Indian Raga singing with Rajeswar Bhattacharya


Institution for Arts in Therapy and Education
Counselling Skills (IATE)
Creative Arts Facilitation (IATE)

City and Guilds Adult learning Certification

Shamanic Practice

Movement Medicine Facilitator & Teacher
7 year Apprenticeship & Professional Training

Shamanic Practitioner
Year-long training with Chris Luttichau


Yoga Alliance Certified
Yoga for Adults
Yoga for Children
Yoga for the Special Child
ITEC Holistic Massage

 A bit about my personal journey …

Ever since I was a child I’ve found freedom and joy in singing. When I was 10 years old I sang in The National Theatre’s production of The Pied Piper of Hamelin and felt myself come alive. Each performance or sharing of my voice brought me another step into my sense of self and out into the world. I won music competitions at school, and sang in every musical theatre production and concert I could. 

By my late teens, I knew that despite the terror that I experienced before a performance, singing was a part of my vocation. However, my life brought challenges and heartbreaks that saw me lose my voice. My mental and physical health deteriorated, and in my late 20s I experienced a rock bottom on many levels.

Within weeks of asking for help and beginning the work of retrieving my self and soul, my voice began to return. 9 months, and many hours of chanting and singing later,  I experienced an awakening in my spirit and awareness that was defining. From that moment onwards I knew that my vocation was to weave song and sound with healing and practices to nourish soul and spirit.

“The journey of uncovering and expressing my own voice and ways of moving, are integral parts of living a full and rich life. I find these explorations liberating, challenging and joyous, and love to support others to bring their own true voices alive”

Over the last 18 years I’ve dedicated my life to awakening, retrieving and embodying soul through voice work, both in myself and those I work with. As I’ve grown and expanded on my own journey with self and voice, my work has developed and opened into new pathways.

Elements of movement, yoga, bodywork, counselling, art therapy, and shamanic elemental practices, thread their way through the voice work, and the way that emerges really depends on the person in front of me.

Each voice journey is different and each session is different. I love this work because I have the privilege of witnessing the unique beauty of each soul I work with coming alive and into expression.

“The intent behind all that I bring or sing, is to catalyse remembrance of those frequencies of love, of real humaness, that are the ground of each and all of our being. To midwife soul. Deeply to meet people where they are at. To listen, feel and sense potential, then to support each one of us to feel safe enough to take the risk of being and expressing more of who we really are.”

"She was holding space for a whole ancestral choir.

When I heard Eliza sing / channel voice, there was something really old inside of me that resonated with the sound she shared. It was a wavelength longer than the human lifespan. She was singing harmonics on wavelengths that remember being born as ancient stars. She was holding space for a whole ancestral choir… and not just human ancestors. I could hear the soil, and the sheep, and the cattle, and the bees, and the grass that had fed her people. She was truly willing to carry beauty.”

— Andy, Indiana, USA